‘Every time I don’t give up, it’s worthy of celebration’ THIS 🔥💛

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That called out to me, too!

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"Of course, the me you knew before is less available. She is keeping herself alive and awake." -- Ohhhhhh! Yes. Yes to this.

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Ohhh I love the slow pace, the stretching and pausing of this majestic piece

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We need you on this xxx

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I'm in mxx

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I feel that too. I spoke it aloud with you, Yrsa. The music... perfect.

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I woke up to panic and fear and wanting to hide in my house. Right now the only thing keeping me from losing it, is the building I live and work in because I have 4 more years on my lease. I needed something to set me back down on my heels ready take on the fight again. Thank you for providing the reality I can look forward to after all the chaos calms down.

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Stunning. This poem spoke to even me..a "curvy" silver haired white woman ❤️

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Excellent. I’m so glad poetry is still being written so well!

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I don’t know you and have never read or heard you before - but oh my god thank you for this!

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"Who can still be themselves these days?" agghh so true, we see this everyday, everywhere and the battle to not conform to it all is so real

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78 and still “an odd mosaic.”❤️

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I cannot say I feel the same as I cannot know how you feel, but I feel similar. My soul has stretch marks. It is forever giving birth.

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Thank you so much, this is beautiful and will keep me going today ☺️

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Oh so beautiful. I felt every single word and emotion in this poem. This is how I feel lately. People not in our shoes won't get it but we know, we know who we've been will never be again.

"Of course, the me you knew before

is less available. She is keeping herself alive

and awake.

She is salt bathing and

forest walking and turning off her phone.

She is learning herself..."

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Yrsa - thank you for your truth, your wisdom, your courage to speak, to write, to express.

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Truly beautiful! This spoke to my soul.

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It is a bloody miracle, it moves with every moment

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Truly beautiful poetry!

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